Priestess Temple

Welcome to your advanced tantric feminine Path

Coming Next

For the Woman who is here to bring heaven on Earth

You know you are here on a great Mission.

Your Mission is to love.

You mission is to bring empowerment and awakening to this world and to represent the powerful feminine force in its totality.

Walking the Path of your Supreme Destiny it is of the highest importance in your Life.

You have big vision, big desires and you only want to receive it ALL without push and compromise of your well-being…

You know you are made for surrender…for a Life as a complete Woman… a Priestess…

You want to live your deepest love, pleasure and bliss and you know that this is your highest service to humanity.


Priestess Temple is the place for you.

This is your your portal into your Divine nature through complete surrender to Love in every aspect of your Life.

In Priestess Temple you access 12+ years of work in one place.

On the inside of Priestess Temple you are experiencing your consciousness rising.

You start experiencing yourself in the centre of your Life.

You drop the veils of untruth… And remember your Divinity.

You get instant access to the Temple Vault of advanced transformational material around your Highest Purpose, Erotic Aliveness, Embodied Wealth and Sovereign Wholeness.

You gain an exclusive access to the Programs I am running inside of the Temple, such as my flagship The Deep Feminine.

Besides that… you also become a part of:

+ 2 monthly group calls with mentorship and Temple activation practices from me

+ weekly community meetings with your new heart-friends

+ special Temple ceremonies


Michelle Cross

Simply transcendental!

I was struggling immensely, I lost myself. I chose Sofia as a guide for she emanated to me, what I desired, to come back home to self-love. This journey I felt the layers of my soul unfurling. It began with profound shifts of releasing all the shame of loosing myself, forgetting my true nature and not loving myself. I got out my head, then as I sublimated my sexual power, my heart broke open exponentially, I was kissed by Grace. I am ever grateful to the profundity of these containers, they polish the diamond of your soul to shine, and offer an invitation to enter with your entirety and let yourself be polished from within! 


Shifted to being in my full pleasure & my new lover treats me like a total goddess!

Thanks to being in this container my new lover treats me like a total goddess, never experienced anything like that. He loves just touching me and giving me pleasure, never gets tired, he just loves witnessing me in my full feminine expression, adoring my body, my soul, all of who I am, I really feel like a goddess…. allowing myself to receive all this without thinking I have to give back to “serve the man” is a big shift for me… cause by me being in my full pleasure, is all a man ever want, so thank you ❤️ I'm forever grateful to be doing this journey. EVERY WOMAN needs to do this!! Let's spread it to the entire world, one woman at a time ❤️

Olivia Smoliga

I didn’t think it was possible to be so in love with my life.

Words could not do justice to describe how much Sofia has changed my life. My life before was categorised by force, control, “pushing through” everything: work, life, love making, disconnection and lack of softening. I literally didn’t even know what that word meant. Every module kept “one-upping” itself, they were more amazing and transformative as the course went on. I didn’t think it was possible to be so in love with my life. I didn’t think it would be so possible for me to feel this beautiful. I didn’t realise how much I was forcing in my life and how this repelled so much around me. I didn’t think that I could be a magnet for all the things my heart wanted. This is beyond dreams I didn’t even know I had. Thank you Sofia, for reintroducing me to Love.

Carmen Hofbauer

Awakened the power and beauty within me

I had removed my uterus and it was very hard for me to feel like a complete woman. This work shows me that all the wounds in me are a beautiful and magical place. Old ruined castles where nature has brought her rights back and now it is the most beautiful and magical place ever. So my life gets better and better and I feel all my pleasure back and so much more open for me. I am so thankful to be a part of Sofia temple. Everything I have invested in her courses has come back many times over.


Honoured to now know the Priestess in me

Thank you 🙏 .. you have helped me reach and delve into parts of me I never knew existed. I know I still have a long way to go but I’m walking, moving, listening, and speaking differently and I can’t believe how many Princesses I meet and can now really ‘’see’ .. the priestess is so rare.. but I’m honoured to now know her in me .. and through my processes and work bring her out in others …. Miraculously I’ve just been invited to hold a retreat for such a group and I didn’t have to do anything for this group to come to me .. just be me. Thank you dear Sofia and team 🙏

Colleen Cromer

A safe space to connect with my most feminine parts

I've been on a deep healing journey for the past four years healing sexual abuse trauma. During this time I have been practicing celibacy and really building safety within myself. Sofia's class gave me the space to connect truly with my most feminine parts for the very first time. I felt safe, seen, honoured, and humbled to be in such an incredible container of healing. I am forever changed and I have never been more excited to dive deeper into my sexual and feminine power. Thank you just doesn't seem like enough!


2 words: pleasure & juiciness

I never experienced so much pleasure and juiciness in my whole life! And I'm forever grateful for this holy holy deep inner work 🌹


Seeing all of Life with Love!

The deep connection to the feminine nature and allowing all the feeling, not reacting, processing it and seeing it all with love. The transmissions of Sofia are for me incredible and I can hear her from a place of pure understanding beyond the talk. And it feels like really deep knowledge that I can remember!


A fountain of abundance opened up within me

Such a powerful experience. I literally feel like there's a fountain of abundance that opened up right inside me. It's exactly what I wanted to get. And I thank you yet again for your amazing energy and expertise that you share through your Programs! You are truly amazing!


Deeply held by and connected to feminine energy around the globe.

Having a group of women to relate to like this - I have never had this in my life but have always sought it. I cry at the beginning of each session when I look at each of their faces; I feel so connected to each of them and experiencing their emotions along with my own creates a portal in my heart that allows me to feel feminine energy and experiences from all women around the globe and throughout time. I feel so held and supported <3


I have chosen abundance in every cell in my body

My business is shifting so that i can download from my soul and live in the present. Things are re-arranging fast. Everything must now reverberate with this new level of vibration and wealth I feel. The transmissions were potent indeed. Sofia's direct experience translated into clear and potent channelled words is profound. She embodies every word, aligned and ripe with transmission like arrows, the field is immensely strong.


I am the purpose!!!

Everything is a choice, maybe unconscious, but still YOUR choice. If you (really) want to have something or buy something buy it, no obstacles. Money loves you, the universe and nature are always supporting you why would they not! I can get in contact with abundance and wealth as a feeling in the moment. I am GOD and I feel like a MAN.


Cellular code shifts

The only other “spiritual” mentors I have truly listened to have been literal God Consciousness Streams 😂 - I asked for a woman mentor who could *expand* me and I could *expand* her to grow. A true symbiotic understanding. So far with Sofia Sundari & Phenomenal Company; I have been OVERJOYED with the cellular code shifts that the awareness they’re a part of offers. If you’re reading this you’re a part of it too ⚡️ If you’re at a tipping point just Trust and the unfolding will Illuminate you.

Amanda Nicole

My heart was overflowing with wealth, joy, and gratitude

My heart is so full of gratitude for this incredibly potent space. My experience was so beautiful. I felt my heart break open, and the engagement between myself and wealth was so full of joy. It was the sort of bliss you have when you make love and afterward, there are just tears of joy and tenderness and so much gratitude for the person and the experience!


I felt so much alignment

I want to express my deep gratitude. I’m feeling so much Love for allowing myself to receive the energy of Grace that you share so abundantly. It’s what attracted me to you and to your essence: This quality of Grace. Deep gratitude and I bow to this beautiful service that you provide to the world. Thank you so much.

Roman, Austria

My transformation process accelerated to light speed

I lost my connection to the spirit and god, early in my childhood. When I got in the school system and unlearned being myself. Since that time I never felt like belonging anywhere in my life. During the Program with you, I felt belonging somewhere for first time in my grown up life. I'm not able to find words for what happened after this Program, my whole development and transformation process accelerated to light speed. That's what I feel and I didn't expect that when I decided to do the biggest investment in myself (back then). Sofia, you are a big healer for our world and every being in your aura is blessed. So much love and gratitude.

Amber, United States

A game-changer

I love Sofia's live transmissions. I have connected in so many ways with the content she shares, the way she shares it, and the timing of her sharings. Many times she will say something almost word-for-word that I have just come to understand in my life. I have truly never resonated with another teacher in the way I have with Sofia.

Jana Caso Villavicencio

Turning heads everywhere I go

There were phases in my life where I was so invisible. Now I practice sometimes consciously “being invisible” in the publicity because all heads would otherwise turn towards me 🤣🙏🏻❤️


I finally started seeing myself

After 2 days it already changed so much in my mind, my body, my relationship and my life! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. My soul is singing and dancing, I can hear her shout "yessss finally she sees it, finally she sees herself!" ❤️


My partner and I are closer to each other than ever before

My partner and I were at a crossroads with our sexual relationship. Now we are alive and our energy is high and we have a much deeper appreciation of each other. With the spiritual path we’ve been on for the past years, we are closer to each other than ever before.

Your Temple of Love

What is included:

Step by step path of embodying your High Priestess self.

The Deep Feminine | JULY

More details are coming soon…


ALL additional Masterclasses & Programs that will drop throughout your membership of Priestess Temple.


The Temple Vault

*Immediate access to a collection of pre-recorded Programs
& Masterclasses (over 150 hours!)

  • Luxury Priestess – Born to be the instrument of Love
  • I Receive – Open to the Highest Love and the Highest Wealth
  • Calling Him – Welcome Sacred Union into your Life
  • Dharma & Grace – Surrender to the flame of your Soul purpose
  • Legacy – Energetic blueprint of your Essence
  • Multidimensional Prosperity – Unlock and stabilise in 3 building blocks of inner Prosperity
  • Intimacy & Devotion – Transmissions and rituals for stabilising in Sacred Union: within and with a beloved
  • Mystical Merging – Guided Experience for couples
  • Bigger than We – Lovers turning co-creators
  • Magnetic Woman – For the woman who wants it all, the Feminine way
  • Activated Man – Essential Practices for the Man who has Chosen to Reclaim his Warrior Spirit
  • Activated Woman – Priestess Wisdom and Practices that Every Woman Should Know
  • Limitless Love – Empower Your Life Through Sacred Intimacy
  • Pleasure as Prayer – A Journey of Expanded Eros and Self Love
  • Incarnation – The Choice to be fully expressed as a Soul in a human body
  • Bliss of the Wound – Journey into the true nature of pain and opening to bliss at the very core of it
  • Leading From Within – For the Leaders who are here to give Voice back to Love
  • Moved By Grace – For people who were born to lead
  • Sex Love Power – Learn how to harness the deepest power inside of your own body, so you can thrive in love, leadership, and Life
  • Manifesting in The Quantum – Consciously Manifest Life of your Dreams
  • The Art of Nourishment – Return to natural overflow, so your Life and Service become an effortless expression of Love
  • Erotic Heart – Guided ritual for expansion into the depth of your devotion to Love
The Priestess knows that she is here to bring Life. She is here to serve love. Her every choice is in alignment with her Assignment. This path is not for everyone, it is only for those who feel a deep resonance in their souls.


Priestess Temple
Starting from $1,555 monthly

If you were to purchase each Program that is included in Priestess Temple the price would be over 30,000 USD.



  • All group programs that take place during your membership
  • All masterclasses that take place during your membership
  • Immediate access to the Temple Vault – a collection of pre-recorded Programs & Masterclasses (over 150 hours!)
  • All the dedicated Q&A sessions
  • Two monthly group calls with mentorship and activation practices
  • Weekly community pods meetings on Zoom

Priestess Temple – Year

  • 1,555 USD monthly x 12
  • 15,555 USD paid in full (1,296/m)

Priestess Temple – Season

  • 1,888 USD monthly x 3
  • 4,555 USD paid in full (1,518/m)
*When purchasing Priestess Temple with a payment plan you are committing to 3 or 12 months. Once purchased, cancellation is not possible. Purchasing means you are accepting our Terms & Conditions.
Any questions?
Don’t hesitate to send us an email here.

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