Embodied Wealth

Your Portal into Limitless Abundance

Unlock your next level Wealth

The predominant paradigm on the planet is the paradigm of scarcity. If we let ourselves be hypnotized by this paradigm we start to believe that money is a limited resource, that our worth is defined by our accomplishments, that making money is hard work and that struggle is an essential part of life.

Once we unplug from this paradigm and plug into the paradigm of abundance… everything changes.  Because that’s when we begin to experience inner freedom in this human body.

That’s when we actually become free from need. That’s when we tap into our uninhibited genius.

I’d love to see more uninhibited genius on this Planet. I’d love humanity to realize Limitlessness as our nature. This is why I created this Program.

"It is only when we are free from need that we tap into our uninhibited genius."

When my business generated way over 2 million dollars something profound happened to me: I experienced a whole new level of freedom of Life… Life without need.
I experienced it once again, to an even greater extent when I let go of push to make money, even though I was manifesting my apartment and it involved a big financial stretch.

Once lack is no longer a part of your vibrational alignment…  You will be creating offers that actually light you up, charging as much as you actually want to charge and not as much you think your audience can afford and  attract soulmate clients that you adore.

In Embodied Wealth I will be teaching you everything I learnt about money while building my multiple 7 figure empire.

You will tap into the limitless abundance and therefore completely exit the illusion of scarcity and lack.

You will develop your Wealth Identity.

You will recognize that YOU are the one who decides how wealthy you are and you will have all the tools for becoming as wealthy as it is destined for you by your Highest Timeline.


What you can expect:


✧  Increased inflow of money. Participants of the previous rounds have experienced 3x-ing their net worth, unexpected money flowing in, to name just a few of the results.

✧ You will eradicate every last bit of lack and scarcity consciousness (yes, it really works).

✧ Healing of ancestral and subconscious patterns that keep you smaller than the true EXPANSE of the the radiance of your Soul (and your relationship with money is a byproduct of that.)

✧ You will be practicing EROTIC embodiment to activate that money magnet within you.

✧  Energetic insurance policy: you will know exactly what to do to always bring yourself back on track with your Highest Vision

And as if that was not enough… the secret sauce:

✧ You will be expanding your ENERGY CHANNELS to receive and hold UNREALISTIC amounts of wealth


"Money by itself is not powerful. But we can make it powerful if we use it as an amplifier of goodness in us and on the planet."

This Program is for you if:

  • You want to experience a Life of multidimensional prosperity.
  • You want to feel loved and supported by money.
  • You want to stop asking your bank account for permission to follow the desires of your heart.
  • You want to have power over money and feel completely free in the way you dance with Wealth.

See you on the inside

Real results of Embodied Wealth


I increased my net worth by 300K

Embodied Wealth was such a powerful experience! I literally feel like there's a fountain of abundance that opened up right inside me after the program, and money started flowing so fast and easy! I had an increase of over 300k USD to my net wealth within just a few weeks. It's exactly what I wanted to get from the program! And I thank you yet again for your amazing energy and expertise that you share through your programs! You are truly amazing!


Cellular code shifts

The only other “spiritual” mentors I have truly listened to have been literal God Consciousness Streams 😂 - I asked for a woman mentor who could *expand* me and I could *expand* her to grow. A true symbiotic understanding. So far with Sofia Sundari & Phenomenal Company; I have been OVERJOYED with the cellular code shifts that the awareness they’re a part of offers. If you’re reading this you’re a part of it too ⚡️ If you’re at a tipping point just Trust and the unfolding will Illuminate you.


I doubled my income.

Purchased with payment plan in March, made back the whole investment by end of April. This was a GAME CHANGER for me! I transitioned from 800/1k to 4.5k and this month hitting the highest month yet! (Nearly 10k for July). I cannot suggest this enough. I am talking about "income achievements" but what this Program provided me was so much more.

I am the purpose!!!

Everything is a choice, maybe unconscious, but still YOUR choice and then you can forgive. If you (really) want to have something or buy something buy it, no obstacles. Money loves you, the universe and nature are always supporting you why would they not! Do not think/feel small, make you business Ideas big (in feeling), it makes it attractive, i really felt that. Now ideas are flooding in, just need to see to get them in practice, but I have more trust. Yes of course old thoughts are coming up of scarcity, and maybe I am going insane now spending and investing in Me Myself and I... I can get in contact with abundance and wealth as a feeling in the moment. I am GOD and I feel like a (savage, positively) MAN.


My Path unravelled

After a few days of the EW program, It became clear to me what my path would be. In the middle of the night, I channeled my first online program. I also feel that I have shifted into a new paradigm. I love Sofia’s teaching, I love her unique approach to embodying wealth.


I see where I was playing small and now fuIIy own my vaIue and worth.

I have experienced a complete paradigm shift as deeper Iayers of shame around money & sexuaIity have been reveaIed. Even after doing 25 years of personaI deveIopment I can now finaIly put aII the pieces of the puzzIe together and see the whoIe picture. In these 10 days with Sofia I have reIeased aII my Iimitations & oId beIiefs and I have tooIs now to create my Iife from a more empowered perspective that is in aIignment with my heart's desires. Thank you Sofia and Team Sundari for hoIding me with immense support & Iove on such expansive journey and I can't wait to see what miracIes wiII be unfoIding...


I am ready for millions now!

Even though I was already doing a lot of work around money, so many new blocks came up and got released even on the body level. I had two major shifts happening in those 12 days that felt like a purge and it really changed my relationship to money and love!! I am ready for millions now-Thank you Sofia, for this new approach to money and love.<3


I have chosen abundance in every cell in my body

My business is shifting so that i can download from my soul and live in the present. Things are re-arranging fast. Everything must now reverberate with this new level of vibration and wealth I feel. The transmissions were potent indeed. Sofia's direct experience translated into clear and potent channelled words is profound. She embodies every word, aligned and ripe with transmission like arrows, the field is immensely strong. I was unsure that 12 days would have such impact, and unsure if the practises would remain strong afterwards. There was no need to question!


Huge mindset shift

The embodiment practice felt so good, dancing in an orgasmic way. And just now I had a call with a potential client, and for the first time at the end when I said my prices, he said “money is not a problem”. I was jumping with joy inside and had to contain my excitement. I am so uses to hear “I want to work with you but I cannot afford it”. Plus, this person is an artist, and artists are my dream clients. I’ve always had the belief that artists cannot pay for my services. It is such a change of paradigm! For met this is an incredible shift! And I can just say that this work we do together really works!

Mireia Tomas

I tuned into the energy of limitless expansion

This Program allowed me to tune into very high energy, where I felt everything was possible, and that I can have all that I want. I love how investing a big amount of money in myself actually expands me! I never felt like that before the Program! I also earned money for the first time launching my first course ever and I know I'll continue doing that.


Opened a door for my business to thrive

The first client under my new business Path of the Lioness. With a new program offer which is just 1:1 sessions for a high ticket price. She didn't hesitate at all, signed up on the spot. The door has opened and it's coming in weeeeehoooooooo!


I manifested my dream property

We just sold our old house, as we have found our dream property in nature where we will build our dream house. Now we have money to build our new house, cash, and more. A dream I wrote down 5 years ago is now reality! I know that the work we do in this course has been a huge part in creating this.


I am welcoming more magic into my life <3

A lot of my perceptions and how I deal with money have changed. I am still working my way up, but one remarkable thing is my anxiety, usually triggered by spending, has tremendously reduced till almost disappeared. Now, money, for me, is more than a fluid thing like water; it is meant to flow; it stinks if it is static. And honestly, I keep going back to Sofia's products. I love her teachings; it helps me remember how much I can be and how much it is possible for me.


I am the creator of my reality

The most wonderful moment for me was when Sofia said we could choose to heal in this moment. And I really felt it! She reminded me that all it takes is the choice and we can give ourselves permission to do it without struggle. I choose to not be a victim of life anymore! I choose to create my own beautiful, loving, joyful, abundant reality.


I found a deeply rooted trust in life

I had shared about wanting this house on a beautiful land in Miami in one of the calls, and that it had been sold to someone else. I was sad and tender at the time about it, but also had a feeling it wasn’t over and if it was trusting something better would come. After the fire ceremony, about 7 hours later I received news the house was suddenly available again and if I still wanted it. I said yes. And I bought the house!

Amanda Nicole

My heart was overflowing with wealth, joy, and gratitude

My heart is so full of gratitude for this class and this space. Truly, this container of Embodied Wealth is so incredibly potent. My experience was so beautiful. I felt my heart break open, and the engagement between myself and wealth was so full of joy. It was the sort of bliss you have when you make love and afterward, there are just tears of joy and tenderness and so much gratitude for the person and the experience!


A big catalyst for expanding my wealth identity

My life has snowballed into experience after experience that have filled me with joy and wealth on all levels, richness of life. And I have experienced that abundance that I used to be so afraid of because I didn’t know how to navigate it. I have developed trust and it wouldn't have been possible without this detachment from money. I have been able to see my life in just an expansive way and this Program has been a catalyst to begin that.

Your Facilitator

I am an author, an entrepreneur and a spiritual mentor. I make the ancient wisdom of Tantra applicable to modern-day heart-lead visionaries. I invite my clients to walk the path of their Supreme Destiny as they claim their sovereign wholeness, and blossom in erotic aliveness and prosperity.

Since 2012 I’ve held over 100 transformational events worldwide, written a bestselling book and created dozens of online Programs on the subjects of intimacy, dharmic leadership and embodiment. I am the founder of Sundari Mystery Immersions, the host of Boundless Love podcast and CEO of my 7 figure brand.

My network consists of over 150,000 individuals. Thousands of people from over 80 countries have been a part of my Programs. They claim that my Work has transformed their lives by supporting them to rise to a higher state of consciousness and create lives of connection, power and bliss.


Embodied Wealth


  • 8 modules (value: 3,000 USD)
  • Practical Assignments
  • Access to subconscious programming material. (value: 4,000 USD)

Valued at a total of $7,000, now for $2,500.

Note: It is recommended for women to have a pleasure wand for some of our embodiment practices. You can purchase one in our shop. In the welcome email we will offer additional recommendations.

Any questions?
Don’t hesitate to send us an email here.

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