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About Sofia

I am an author, an entrepreneur and a spiritual mentor. I make the ancient wisdom of Tantra applicable to modern-day heart-lead visionaries. I invite my clients to walk the path of their Supreme Destiny as they claim their sovereign wholeness, and blossom in erotic aliveness and prosperity.

Since 2012 I’ve held over 100 transformational events worldwide, written a bestselling book and created dozens of online Programs on the subjects of intimacy, dharmic leadership and embodiment. I am the founder of Sundari Mystery Immersions, the host of Boundless Love podcast and CEO of my 7 figure brand.

My network consists of over 150,000 individuals. Thousands of people from over 80 countries have been a part of my Programs. They claim that my Work has transformed their lives by supporting them to rise to a higher state of consciousness and create lives of connection, power and bliss.

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