1. She looks and feels very feminine. Yet she is not deeply rooted in the feminine, not empowered, she does not own the depth of the Feminine.
2. She likes to play fragile. She may even truly believe that this mask is all she is.
3. She is not aware of it, but she is manipulative. She uses her “weakness” to get attention and special treatment from others.
4. There is a sense of entitlement about her. This entitlement is in fact neediness in disguise. In her neediness there is grasping. She is demanding.
5. Underneath all that there is a great fear of being alone… She is very sad on the inside. She doesn’t know what she truly wants. She doesn’t know who she truly is.
6. She is naive enough to think that she is not loved and that she is not an embodiment of Love. She believes that she needs something from the outside to make her happy and fulfilled…
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