Who doesn’t love the natural high of falling in love…? 😍
However… here is something you need to know: these really intense relationships, with passionate feelings and regular pushes and pulls and ups and downs usually have a karmic nature.
The word karma means action (Hindu). 🔥
It is used to refer to the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions.
The karmic relationship therefore is created based on actions that took place in the past. And the purpose of a karmic relationship is to burn the karma. 🔥You are serving each other by shedding light on each other’s karma. And you have an opportunity to burn karma and be free from it. But this tends to be a VERY uncomfortable process because in order to burn it you first have to see it… and so you see it by being confronted by your patterns (that are triggered by the patterns of your partner). 🥵
Karmic relationships are not bad, in fact they are necessary because they bring a huge amount of healing – if you see them for what they are.
Yet, their purpose is to complete something rather than start something new. If you stay in this karmic entanglement longer than necessary… it is likely to drain you and suck out your life force. 🥵🥵
The major challenge about karmic relationships is that they do not come from free will. They are not a product of your choice, but rather of your unconscious pull. 🫣
And when we look at this from the standpoint of evolution of a Soul over multiple lifetimes… if the karma remains unresolved and you keep running in karmic loops… the evolution slows down.
💥So what to do? Break up instantly? Post all over the Internet about your experience with “toxic” men and “narcissists”?
Hmm no.
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