Sexual repression is one of the greatest roadblocks to realization of our Limitless nature.
There is a reason sexuality is so feared… it is because it is so powerful.
Your sexuality is a divine force of Love.
Once you heal your relationship with desire and pleasure, you automatically heal the CORE patterns in your life.
If you’ve grown up on this planet, you’ve inherited at least some degree of shame around sɘxuality. This can happen through societal programming, religion, ancestral patterns, relationship traumas…
We’re often taught that we shouldn’t desires too much, that our bodies are basically sinful and that we should contain ourselves.
Yet the truth is that your sexuality is a divine force of Love.
Our world experiencing liberation of sexual energy, is a liberation of Love.
I believe that sexual repression and shame is one of the biggest things blocking humanity from full freedom and realization of our Limitless nature.
There is a reason sexuality is so feared… it is because it is so powerful.
It has the power to create Life, and to destroy the systems that hold back the evolution of consciousness on our planet.
Because sexual energy is life-force energy, if you are disconnected from your sexuality, you will feel disconnected from your pleasure and from entering into your potential.
Once you begin to heal your relationship with desire and pleasure, you automatically heal the CORE patterns in your life.
Working on this level offers a fast track. In my in-person Immersions I’ve seen MIRACLES happening to people right before my eyes:
Miraculous healing of patterns that were causing pain in the body
Complete transformation of relationships from karmic to dharmic
Sudden explosion of business past 7 figures
A woman getting pregnant right after the Immersion even though 3 doctors told her it was never going to happen to her…
Because I taught them how to liberate their ORGASMIC SEXUAL POWER.
Learning to wield the orgasmic energy within your field opens up your whole being on all levels.
It’s time to reclaim the divinity of your sɘxuality and claim your throne, because there is a LOT of power that becomes accessible to you once you go down this sacred Path.
I am ready to hold space for miracles during my upcoming Mystery Immersion in Costa Rica.
It is the only in-person Immersion I have scheduled this year.
It’s a diligently held high-end experience.
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