Are you wondering why the cash is not flowing, the clients are not coming in and you generally feel a little dull?..
Flow of sxual energy brings flow in all areas of your Life.
Including your finances and all your relationships.
If the sxual flow is blocked it means the flow of Life is blocked.
So how do you begin accessing orgasmic flow?
✧ Slow down
✧ Ground into this present moment
✧ Bring awareness into your body
✧ Let go of all ideas you have about orgasm
✧ Allow whatever is, without wishing it to be different
✧ Feel the energy moving through you
✧ Surrender to the experience
✧ Soften to the pleasure of the moment
You cannot think your way into this – it isn’t of the mind. You can’t force it.
As you develop this practice, you learn to move the energy and embody it consciously.
YOU have the power to achieve expanded states of love consciousness through the sacred vessel of your body.
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Sundari Love Practices
5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy