What some may consider low sexual desire might be just low desire for a certain type of sexuality. ⠀
Due to the lack of healthy sexual education, most people are aware of quite a limited potential of sexual expression. ⠀
What image do you have when you think of s.ex? Probably fast, intense, super juicy action with a lot of friction and stimulation. ⠀
Well, that’s not the only way. ⠀
There is a way to make love very slowly, with a lot of cool and nurturing energy (yin). A woman can deeply surrender into her softness and slowness, become heavy yet vibrantly alive and receptive like the Earth. ⠀
Note: there is a big difference between being passive and receptive. ⠀
❗️There is nothing passive about being receptive!⠀
It is so important for women to experience this. That is the crucial piece to all feminine work.⠀
Making love in this way especially in the second half of a woman’s cycle is a very enriching experience. During this phase, you are invited by your own neurochemistry very deeply into your feminine energy. In terms of sexuality – that’s the one that is much like water – it takes a while to come to a boil, but can stay hot for a long time. So explore various ways to bring yourself to a boil, focus more on foreplay. ⠀
If you want to know more about feminine cycles get one of my free ebooks:⠀
💗Moon and Woman – for women⠀
💙The Key to the Feminine Mystery – for men⠀
And… if you are ready for a deep dive this year, have a look at the schedule of my trainings – if you’ve been loving what I’ve been sharing with you, I’m sure you will feel at home in the Temple Energy that I hold during events. ⠀
Art by @vivienne.mok
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