Most people completely misunderstand Tantra.
Including those who have practiced with authentic carriers of this ancient wisdom.
The misconceptions are understandable.
As soon as we open the door to sexual energy, we open the door to something incredibly powerful and incredibly intense. This intensity makes it very hard to stay on the tiger. It’s very hard to ride it without falling off of it and letting it take over.
That’s why in the past Tantric teachings were only available to a select few and only after they’d spent 12 years with their Master.
I believe that time is accelerating now. Our frequency is faster, we have immense opportunities, and they come to us at a much faster speed.
And the greatest of them is to awaken.
The best scenario is to arrive to sexual practices AFTER you have done a lot of work on developing your consciousness. But many people are drawn to Tantra BEFORE that because they are attracted to the sexual aspect of it.
Yes, Tantra can give you a taste of pleasure beyond what you could have ever imagined.
Most people get so fascinated by this pleasure, they cannot get enough of it, it becomes a drug… You keep seeking more: more powerful experiences, more excitement, more joy…
But this is what pulls you off track.
While it’s fine and even recommended to have phases of re-claiming your pleasure, of exploring your desires… it’s easy to get stuck there. And miss the point.
Through pleasure Tantra invites us way beyond pleasure.
Through fully arriving in the body, activating your senses, deeply living the human experience with ALL of its flavours (not only the pleasant, but also the challenging, painful, confusing and ugly…), we are invited to discover something profound.
In Tantra we are invited to discover the Truth of all things.
The Truth is not something changeable. The Truth is what we have to wake up to. The Truth is the true essence of all things.
From the moment we see the Truth we start truly living and choosing.
Until then we are merely following our conditioned response to life, even though we may think that we act from free will.
I have been observing that even people who are drawn to Tantra because of sex, end up with Truth, sooner or later. Because if you go on this path, even if not consciously, you are calling in transformation. And, trust me, you are going to get experiences that kick your ass.
When it happens say: “thank you Life, I receive your love”.
You may feel the impulse to close off and say: “I hate it, I’m hurting, I’m out!”. You may quit. Then, having licked your wounds you may come back. And you may realise that you have had enough of hiding from Life and that to be able to bear all this pain of human existence, something in you has to die.
And when this “something” dies, an amazing thing happens: your consciousness expands.
And you find yourself being vaster then the sky.
And that’s when Tantra begins.
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