Eros is the energy of life. Orgasm is the flower of life.
The biggest reason for lack of orgasm (I mean real deep tantric orgasm) is the ideas we have about what is an orgasm.
The degree and depth of your orgasm depends on how open you are to life.
I also see a direct correlation between orgasmicness and an individual spiritual progress. The energetic body becomes lighter. The energetic pathways are no longer blocked and the orgasmic energy flows freely through the body.
There is a sense of ascension in this person’s being.
In fact we could always be in a state of orgasm if we were not blocking it!
Why would we block it, you may wonder…
Often it feels like modern life is designed in such a way as to make us disconnect from our erotic and orgasmic nature.
We are surrounded by technology, synthetic materials that don’t allow energy to flow; artificial foods pollute our system and then instead of naturally enjoying pleasure our system needs to work hard to eliminate toxins.
We are unconscious about our food choices. For example not many people know that garlic is an antibiotic and if we take it on regular basis we desensitise our system.
Most people are living in the mode of doing and not in the mode of being.
And the erotic IS about being.
We are also mostly stuck in our heads, thinking, remembering, comparing, planning, strategising… and are completely disconnected from the present moment, and therefore – from life.
And it is only when we are in the Now that we can experience pleasure and orgasms. We become aware that the nature of our energy is to flow, the nature of our energy is pleasure.
It’s only when we allow ourselves to sink deeper into each moment that we realise that life is pleasure.
Our energetic body is orgasmic by its nature.
To open up to orgasms we need to open up to Life.
Drop into Her embrace, forget about our significance and identity for a moment, and allow ourselves to live… fully.
Art by @ehscapist
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Your Orgasmic Guide
9 steps to Sacred Orgasms that change lives