Doing what makes you feel good – is it selfish? ⠀
I’m currently in vacation mode. What this means is that I do a lot of practice, take care of myself and ⠀
reflect on yet another wild year. I also talk to my friends – I finally have time for really deep dives. ⠀
A couple of days ago we sat in a cafe with one of my best friends until it closed and then sat a couple ⠀
more hours on the stairs just outside the cafe, being together and sharing. ⠀
We discuss what worked this year, and what didn’t. ⠀
For me this time is also significant because I have just got divorced after 4 years of being separated. And ⠀
it was exactly 4 years ago that my life took a whole new spin and my work took on a whole new meaning. ⠀
It was no longer “job” or “something I enjoy doing”, I understood the true meaning of Dharma and have ⠀
been living it since. ⠀
So reflecting on these past 4 years and all the things I have accomplished, I hear myself saying that all I ⠀
really have been doing is things that I really loved doing. ⠀
I have never done anything for a prolonged time because I thought I had to. ⠀
Even last year I realised that I shouldn’t work in winter because I’m not in my optimal state in winter – this ⠀
year I arranged things so that I’m in a predominantly vacation mode throughout this whole winter ⠀
season. ⠀
When I do what I love it increases my self love. As a result, I can do more of what I love. ⠀
And guess what – EVERYONE benefits from it. ⠀
Because when I do what I love I’m not emitting frustration. I am emitting an elevated vibration and positive⠀
energy, and people get impacted by this. ⠀
So, short answer: No, it is not selfish to do what you love doing. ⠀
Ok, maybe you are not a fan of marketing or accounting, but if you are a visionary you need to learn to ⠀
see bigger. How does what you are doing now sustain what you love? ⠀
Doing what you love is the only way to keep showing up in your love continuously. And it’s the only way to ⠀
serve Big. Because your real gift is not in something you are not. It is in who you are right now. It is in the ⠀
most intimate you that you can ever experience. Connect with it and let it move through you. ⠀
This is so natural for you, so effortless and that’s why you are the best at it. ⠀
Photo by @iamjodielouise
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