Whenever I find myself trying to create a routine out of my Life, I feel so squeezed, I want to disappear!
My medicine: I turn towards my Soul and listen. She tells me she thrives in change, in spaciousness, in flow, in trust…
Then… I pack my bags and go.
I lean into the biggest Context of my Life. I shake up every structure that I have established. I let realignment happen from this wider place.
…Life may feel incredibly unsafe or ungrounded without schedule or predictability but when the inner masculine matures enough to meet the totality of Life… we get to feel safe at-all-times. ✧
When we let go of the need to control and give Life back to Life… we open up to a very rapid growth. This growth activates a lot of Shakti/the feminine energy, it accelerates awakening of Kundalini… which in turn shakes all you’ve ever identified with, it breaks you, it makes you extremely uncomfortable, it leaves you without any sense of grounding… and yet…
If you say yes to it… it sets you free. 🕊
Instead of trying to sustain predictability and illusion of safety in that… I choose to embody the Sacred Union within me.
I don’t need Life to be predictable and stable at all times because
I am stable within.
From here – I available for every twist and turn and – yes – in the same breath I am available to my BIGGEST DREAMS! Big dreams come with big energy.
My feminine is liberated, wild and blissful.
My masculine is still.
My heart is expressed spontaneously and freely… because she is held in the unwavering presence of my inner masculine.
They are merged as one in this exquisite Sacred Union.
I’ve always wanted to create a Life for myself that would allow me to follow the calling of my Soul… any time.
And I’ve realised… I’m living it.
Actually – at all times.
I’ve been held all along.
I’ve been here all along: in the heart of God.
In the Sacred Union within. 𓆃
Step into this new Paradigm of Leadership with me in In Service to Love.
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5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy