The moment you declare that you are here for something Big… for something significant…
The moment you declare that you are here to make a difference…
The moment you declare that are here to fully LIVE IT…
…you are invited into your Power.
True power… is the power that exists beyond the ebbs and flows of Life.
True power never goes away.
You may get carried away for a moment and forget that it is always available…
But it never goes away.
If you are only finding joy when life goes according to your plan… this is a conditional joy.
This is a conditional power.
Find joy that is unconditional.
That simply is.
Find power that is unconditional.
That simply is.
No matter what.
When you are able to handle the lows with grace and compassion to yourself… you are showing the Quantum that you are ready for the highs that are in store for you.
Soon you will look back at yourself today it it will all make so much sense… ♥️
Remember this: the journey is non linear. It is not meant to fit into the old paradigm.
Trying to fit your expansion into the 3D paradigm is creating the suffering…
Old programs must be dismantled.
Old conditioning must go.
✧ Suppose there exists a whole Universe beyond the one you’ve taken yourself to be.
✧ Suppose your expansion knows no limits.
✧ Suppose you are ready for all of it.
At times you will find yourself trembling… and that’s exactly the times to remember the promise you’ve given to yourself:
“Come what may, I won’t stop until I have fully lived my Life.”
It is all happening.
Your success is inevitable.
All your dreams are going to come true.
And timing… is irrelevant, because time is just a construct of the mind.
Your job – to stay on track, finding a deeper and deeper resting in your power.
The one that never goes away. ✧
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