My life has been all about journeys into unknown new lands.
Traveling to different countries I start from a point in time in which I know myself, even if just for a second… yet each time I end somewhere completely new.
Each meeting becomes a journey. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a new person in my life or somebody I’ve known for years. Tuning in from spaciousness, I open up to the journey that our spirits came together for and the miracle that’s before me to reveal her/himself.
Every time I make love it’s a journey. I start somewhere familiar but I have no idea where I will end, and who I will become as the journey unfolds…
Actually this is how I learnt that the capacity for pleasure that this body has is endless.
I may think that I am a sexually liberated woman, but actually each time I make love I drop in deeper into what is really possible.
And there is no end. I mean it: there is no end to where we can get through accessing our ecstasy.
The years as a gypsy-traveller taught me that in all my journeys I cannot be fixed on an outcome, even my intention is good for nothing but putting me in tension.
These years also taught me that the more I love the more I need to let go. Moment by moment.
What a powerful feeling to deeply love and be ready to let somebody go.
I feel the sadness of my heart, and yet I am ready to let you go, if that’s what suits you most.
I love you. I long for you. I want you. And yet, there is nothing I demand from you. Your freedom is my love.
And if in that freedom the Universe brings us together time and time again…
I will celebrate, and bow at your feet in gratitude.
As a child I got love (seasoned by possessiveness. or was it possessiveness seasoned by love?) but I had no freedom. Every time I made my own choice I was yelled at or molested.
And in my adult life every time I have sensed that someone might want to marinate me into a specific state of being… I rebelled. And retreated into my shell.
The shell is a very familiar place where I have been hiding most of my life.
And as I show up there collecting my broken pieces together, I begin my howl again.
I am howling and my heart is crying rivers.
I have so much love to give.
Freedom is my healer.
To be truly loved in my freedom is something I have very little experience of. But it is actually happening.
Let’s be wild, together. Let’s be free, together.
It is in freedom that I can commit to love with all my heart.
Because the more I know freedom the more I know love.
Photo by Bibbie Friman
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