I didn’t grow up in a religious environment. I felt pretty repelled by Church in fact, especially by the dogma.⠀
I’ve always had a love for God though. When I was 13 I was trying to explain to a friend what God meant to me. Her beliefs were informed by the Church and she found what I was saying offensive. That ended our friendship. ⠀
A few years ago while I was deeply immersed in spiritual practice with my teacher in India, I started to experience encounters with Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene. I knew very little about both of them at that time. Yet as I was laying in my small hotel room, I was experiencing an unmistakable sense of these two beings visiting me. ⠀
Each time I had to cry and feel my heart blasting open in recognition and devotion.⠀
The church defined Jesus as the saviour. In fact he was an Essene teacher and healer who taught each person to discover and embody their own inner Christ.
The journey of Yeshua was that of an initiate: a bright being completely dedicated to Truth. His teachings appear very simple on the surface, yet contain the whole science of yoga, the transcendental way of divine union through meditation. His words are not just words of wisdom but seeds of Consciousness that we already carry inside. ⠀
The greatest realisation a human being can make is that what we seek is already within us and that the true purpose of Life is to remember yourself as Love.⠀
Once we settle in the inner kingdom of Consciousness, the soul pierces the veils of matter and uncovers the Intelligence of God omnipresent in the heart of all things.⠀
Through spiritual pointings, deep practice/meditation and openness Christ Consciousness develops from within our own being. As our awareness grows, we naturally start to embrace, embody and ooze the Universal Christ Principles: Love, Compassion, Patience, Forgiveness, Generosity, Peace, Faith, Divinity, Charity, Oneness, Humility, Gratitude and Non-judgment.⠀
May Christ Consciousness be fully revealed on this Planet. May all beings recognise themselves as That. ⠀
This is what my work in its essence is dedicated to. It’s a privilege to serve That. ⠀
Art by @natalielennard
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