Confidence is overrated.
Trust is the name of the Game.
Self-confidence implies that you rely on your personal power.
Trust, however, is a whole different category.
Trust is the greatest power that we have.
Real trust is about opening to Life.
It’s is about jumping without safety net.
Even when I feel like I am burning on the inside, I trust.
Even when Life does not go according to my plan, I trust.
Even when I blood is streaming down my face… I trust.
I trust that all is guided by the Great One.
I offer my burning to that.
All of me… I offer to that.
In trust you offer yourself to each moment in totality… like you would to the most magnificent lover. A lover that pushes your limits and takes you out of your comfort zone… And yet you trust the lover, because you also feel how much he honours you…
Let Life be this lover.
Trust takes us to surrender.
In surrender, we choose to let our hearts break a thousands times instead of living Life trapped in fear.
When you surrender you become vast like the ocean.
You release attachment to 3D paradigm.
And you begin to dance your boundless cosmic dance…
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