Beloved Woman,
Do you know how powerful you are when you dare to soften into your womb?…
And when you dare to show a bit of your heart?..
And when you prioritise your sensual pleasure above EVERYTHING?..
Through your courageous loving eyes you let the light of Spirit shine.
Through your kind touch you let the Great Mother touch the hearts of others.
When you recognise how much you’ve held onto… how you have exhausted yourself… you recognise that IT IS TIME to come back home.
It takes choosing love over fear.
It takes choosing ecstasy over contraction.
It takes embodying the Luxury Priestess that you are.
When you free yourself from centuries of disconnect, frustration and bitterness… you are transforming the fabric of this existence.
What would it take for your heart to soften?
What would it take to prioritise your deepest Heart?
When is the good time to do it if not now?..
Luxury Priestess Masterclass begins in 3 days.
There you will not only receive transmission and teachings… but you will also learn and perform practices that take you back home to your WOMANLY essence.
Click HERE to join.
It’s only 333 USD.
And the value you will receive is… priceless.
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Sundari Love Practices
5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy