No matter what you do, there will be people who will get offended or misunderstand you. They may even start attacking you because they don’t like what you said. (Which is not at all uncommon, as we know too well.)
There are so many people who don’t like princess Diana.
So many who are offended by Mother Theresa.
Even more – by Jesus Christ.
And how many people are offended by God?..
Steve Jobs said: “If you want to please everyone don’t be a leader. Sell ice cream instead.”
But… the thing is… lots of people hate ice cream too!
So… if you know you’re going to offend people no matter what you do or say, you may as well say the thing that’s true for you.
So at least you’re judged for something meaningful.
And… during the last ten years of being in the public eye, and especially – the last 7… It happened COUNTLESS times that those people who were offended, critical or mean, came back and apologised.
Saying that they didn’t know any better at that time.
Often women write to me to say that they were triggered by me when they first met me, but once they did their shadow work… they came back and joined all my Programs.
Life is a game.
Don’t take it personally. x
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