I’ve been trying to not offend people long enough.
A few years ago I was criticised when I was speaking openly about s.ex. Now the s.ex conversation is not offensive anymore because the way has been paved (you are welcome).
BUT the money conversation is. 💸
✨Truth is: I don’t speak about money more than I speak about God, sex, relationships, intimacy, leadership, dharma, feminine radiance and all the other things.
But the money conversation is particularly activating because it is still a taboo for many.❌
💸Yes, it is possible to get lost striving for more money.
You may have experienced that and that’s why each time you see someone openly speaking about money, business and sales you link it to that.
💰Yes, it is possible to get lost in the endless consumerism.
😵💫It is also possible to get lost in sexual desire and obsession with romantic love.
🏂Yes, the slope is really slippery!
But the path of Tantra involves walking on the EDGE of a razor blade.
This path is an invitation to an ENTIRELY different level of consciousness.
And it is the Path I’ve been walking for a very long time.
Does it mean that I never slipped?
No. I did slip. In VARIOUS ways.
That’s why I know how NOT TO. And that’s what I’ve been teaching for over a decade.
And – I’m just getting started.
👑I am here to bridge the gap between the horizontal and the vertical planes of existence.
👑I am here to be the living proof that God is EVERYWHERE.
In wealth and money too.
You can have God, sex, money, incredible success, a Heart of gold and infinite abundance.
THIS is what is available for all those who dare to move to a higher state of awareness and actually be a part of elevation of consciousness on this planet. 🦄
It would be easier for me to not talk about this. But my Soul demands otherwise.
If you don’t like this, it’s ok.
I’m not here to be liked anyway.
I’m far more interested in being loved.
That is a big ask. However that’s the only way you can receive my medicine.
If you’re not available – I wish you well.
And if you are…
Big things ahead of us, my love. ✨
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