“He cannot handle me,” – She told me.
“That’s not true,” – I responded. “It’s you who cannot handle yourself”.
But what does it mean?!
It means that our own power is the most terrifying thing on this planet.
And we will do ANYTHING in order to not face this power.
Because deep down we know that when we do… there’s no turning back.
You may at times feel not worthy of this power.
You may at times accidentally hurt someone with this power.
You may at times break down at the weight of this power.
So… a popular place to hide from our own power is behind the hard shell and righteousness… and behind telling others how they are not giving us what we need.
This keeps you busy, you start analysing his astrological chart, trying to explain and understand his childhood traumas… ANYTHING, just not to feel that power…
When you soften… and recognise that no one is under any obligation to give you anything… including that which your parents didn’t give you… (btw even they are under no obligation to give you what they didn’t…)
When you soften… you find yourself reclaiming responsibility for your own Life and for everything that you experience.
Including the things you don’t like.
Including his seeming inability to handle you.
You drop demands.
And start living within your own heart.
Deeply feeling.
The hardened edges of the heart soften more.
And here you are: reborn.
You are no longer scared of your own power.
You no longer need him to be more masculine.
Your heart is radiant.
Your yoni is soft and juicy.
And voila… as if by magic… here he is… giving you everything you ever wanted. And more.
Turns out… you have been the main character in this movie all along…
Unguarded Heart Masterclass is the place to be to tap into this frequency.
We begin on Monday, the 12th of June.
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