The moment you let God love you through every man… is the moment you’ll never have to wonder if he will ever claim you.
There is a kind of woman who has done years of feminine work.
She has danced. She has healed. She has wept at the feet of the Goddess.
She has practiced polarity work, embodiment, sensual awakening.
Yet, she is either alone or attracting men who don’t step up.
Her heart is aching.
She doesn’t think she’s shut down,
but there is sorrow in her eyes..
She believes she is open.
But the 3d reflection never lies…
Deep down she holds a quiet resentment toward men.
A subtle closure in her body.
No matter how much she has “practiced receptivity,”
if she carries the energy of disappointment,
if she silently believes men won’t step up…
Men feel it.
And they will turn away.
Not because she is not lovable,
but because no man can enter a temple that does not truly want him there.
A woman who truly knows her worth
doesn’t have to teach men how to claim her.
Her presence calls it forth.
So many brilliant, powerful, devoted women unknowingly block themselves from receiving a man’s adoration.
Not because they aren’t feminine enough.
Not because they haven’t healed enough.
But because they haven’t recognised God in EVERY man.
A woman’s deepest work is not in becoming someone she is not… but in melting the frozenness inside her.
Not to be chosen –
but so that every cell in her body can be penetrated by God.
so that she can be a conduit of the Divine Grace for the highest good of All.
This is how she comes back Home.
Once a woman has been filled by the Divine… she becomes a living sanctuary of peace.
That’s when a high caliber man can meet her.
This is a step toward ending the wars on this planet… and into the highest meeting of the Masculine and Feminine…
In our natural state, men honor women.
They support us.
Cherish us.
Provide for us.
But it requires openness,
and – most of all – love.
Because love is the only thing that can melt the Ice Queen’s heart.
And true Love is nothing less than union with the Divine.
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