The pendulum swings and from low self esteem and shyness many people emerge into total gut wrenching… arrogance and a posture of entitlement.
It’s a part of the process. It’s ok. But this needs to be brought to light.
It doesn’t serve you to stay in your demands.
No, you are not better than others.
No, you are not entitled for a special treatment no matter the reasons.
You are exactly like everyone else, not better and not worse.
In any confusing situation choose…
And even if it’s not confusing. Stay humble, dear one.
Notice your ego wanting to indulge into feeling undeserving. Notice your ego wanting to feel special.
Both are a part of the same coin. Both: low self esteem and entitlement come from overidentification with the egoic identity. In fact, both are a product of good old unworthiness.
Humbleness is a language of your Heart.
When you start living life from your Heart, reality around you will change as well.
Surrender, dear one, you don’t need to fight anymore.
Let Life take care of you.
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