May 2024 will be forever anchored in the universe as the month that I was both dreading and deeply looking forward to.
This month I’ve held two in-person journeys: Ecstatic Remembrance LIVE event and Fields of Grace Immersion.
I started running in-person experiences in 2012 and in 2014 I ran my first ever Immersion. Only in 2016 my Work expanded into the online space.
I absolutely LOVE the in-person time with my community. There is nothing quite like it. I am holding space for the cauldron of Love and the depth to which we go to gives me such an acute feeling of intimacy as I am being replaced by the Divine Beloved, who orchestrates it ALL.
The caliber of people who are attracted to my work is exactly the type I want to hang out with. We are having so much fun, and it is Soul nourishing.
The state I was in as I was facilitating these journeys was nothing like I’m used to. 2024 has been a year of profound unraveling and letting go for me, it took a lot of energy and I’ve felt pretty depleted. On some of the days during the events my only task was to somehow make it to the Temple, even if I had to crawl.
The Mystery and the greatest work of Art of the Divine is that the moment I’d be on stage… I knew exactly what was needed for the group. What I needed to say and where the energy needed to go.
The participants used words like: “this was a masterpiece, my life is forever changed, I finally felt ME, I felt fully held and seen and I could fully express all of me…”
On one hand it is amazing to me that I could deliver these experiences in this state. And on the other: it feels completely natural, because my depletion has not impacted my trust and my capacity to surrender to the divine orchestration of it All.
In fact at times I felt that perhaps it was even contributing to it.
There was so.much. Divine Grace available to all.
Next up: Fire of Love Immersion in Portugal this November.
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