If you want to make a Real difference on the planet your Work has to touch powerful people.
Powerful people take radical self-responsibility and hold big energy.
How to attract such people into your Work?
1. When you work with powerful people you amplify your impact. Because powerful people are the ones who can recognise the true value of what you are offering, they assimilate the material and they become the EMBODIMENT of the Work.
That’s how we change the world together, fast.
2. To lead leaders and teach teachers you need to be energetically aligned with powerful people.
You become a aligned with powerful people when you behave the way you expect a powerful person to behave.
3. Commit to continually unveiling your depth and – therefore – to your growth.
Commit to the reason of your incarnation, to making your Life matter and to making a difference. Move through Life with presence and intention. When you do so, you lead yourself.
4. Invest your time, energy and finances in the greatest asset you will ever have – yourself.
Invest into experiences that are aligned to where you want to be – not where you are. With that you are saying yes to your expansion, clarity and power.
5. Don’t wait until others recognise your power. Go first. Claim your power. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do. Be bold. Be courageous.
6. Don’t wait for others to make you feel that you belong and that you matter.
Own your space wherever you show up. Bring your energy forward. Be the active creator of your Life not a passive follower.
7. Have refined standards in place and treat people based on these standards. Talk to others the way you want them to talk to you. Meet people in their power, not their pain.
8. Remember: you are the Universe and Life is your playground. Don’t sit around and wait for a miracle – create your Life, day by day, moment by moment.
9. Powerful people sense your power and integrity and that’s what they are drawn to.
We live during a pivotal time in the history of humankind. Never before have the forces of both Light and Dark been so strong. These are the times when bright people must step into their full power.
We must because in these times each Voice is instrumental in supporting the direction the humankind will take.
NOW is the time for bright people, rooted in integrity and the ways of Love to rise. Because if we truly want to see a big change on our Planet, we have to show up for it together.
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