Love is here. ⠀
She came to destroy you. So she does that, ruthlessly. You’re lost to your sense of identity. You are ⠀
crushed and crumbled. ⠀
It is love. ⠀
Just when you thought she was done with you, she comes and pours nectar all over your wounds, she ⠀
wraps you in precious silks, she covers you in sweetness. ⠀
It is love. ⠀
It is love that screams your name at the top of her lungs from the rooftops. ⠀
It is love whose voice is quieter than a mouse. ⠀
It is love that opens the cage and sets you free. ⠀
It is love that shows you that this freedom comes at great cost. ⠀
The cost is having to drop your all too familiar victim behaviour. ⠀
It is love. ⠀
The smell of rain, the colour of your lover’s eyes, the vastness of the embrace of the sky… ⠀
It is love. ⠀
The disillusionment, the pain of having to drop yet-another-dream, the recognition that you’ve acted from a⠀
wound, not truth. ⠀
It is love. ⠀
Becoming revealed in your shame, your ugliest pain. ⠀
It is love. ⠀
No matter what’s going on in your life, it is love knocking on your door. If you’re brave enough and dare to ⠀
listen, you will hear her voice. ⠀
No matter what’s going on in your life, it is love knocking on your door. Every moment you have the ⠀
greatest privilege on this planet: you have the possibility to choose to see love. ⠀
No matter what’s going on in your life, it is love knocking on your door. It is love that invites you to lean in ⠀
and recognise that underneath trauma, pain and emotional overload – she is there, waiting to be ⠀
revealed. ⠀
Love teaches us responsibility. To awaken to love we have to take responsibility for our human ⠀
experience. In that we recognise that responsibility for the world we live in is all ours. ⠀
Each time we choose love over fear we are contributing to the New World, that we all so want to live in. ⠀
Love is here. ⠀
Where are you?⠀
Photo by @loveandwater
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