Prosperity is… beginning the day with a sunrise swim.
It is taking the time to look deeply into the eyes of your lover and noticing all the myriads of their different expressions.
It is beginning the day with the most delicious intimacy and orgasmic bliss.
Prosperity is being surrounded by people who really get you.
Prosperity is prioritising your well-being above all.
It is truly loving every single part of what you do.
It is holding a vision that is so much bigger than immediate gratification of likes on the internet and instant sales.
It is running a business from a sense of peace and regulated nervous system.
Prosperity is continually growing and witnessing your best becoming better.
Prosperity is creating as an act of honouring your Soul, not as a “should”.
Prosperity is having the support you truly want, not the one you tell yourself you can afford.
It is knowing that what you do impacts not only you and your immediate surroundings, but it is creating a legacy of Love that will keep rippling far and wide even once you are gone…
Prosperity is taking the time to stop and take in the colours, feel the wind caressing your skin and smell the flowers.
Prosperity is to always have fresh flowers on your desk.
Prosperity is knowing yourself so deeply so you naturally make the choices that enrich your Life and service, not drain your vital force.
Prosperity is going to bed with a heart full of gratitude because you feel joyfully spent
This is true prosperity.
And financial prosperity is always a bi-product of inner prosperity.
Join Multidimensional Prosperity and unlock and stabilise inner Prosperity.
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Sundari Love Practices
5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy