Almost 4 years ago I declared that I was no longer going to use the word Tantra publicly. It has become so incredibly biased… So many people associate Tantra with s*x, hippy vibe or feeding each other chocolate during sensual massage… There also has been so much confusion and abuse in fields that are inclusive of conscious sexuality. I felt the pull to move away.
Years have passed… and people still regard me as world renown authority in the field of Tantra and invite me to be featured as a Tantra expert.
The truth is… Tantra is and will always be the path that I walk. I have walked it for what feels like lifetimes. 𓆃
Tantra in fact is an ancient spiritual path, that involves recognising our Eternal nature WHILE being active in the world.
This is very different to the more commonly known spiritual paths that imply that in order to be with Spirit you have to remove yourself from all worldly things.
🤍The word Tantra means an instrument of expansion.
And it is a magnificent and a radical instrument.🖤
It is radical because it invites us to have a Life of Totality, to trust completely, to love fully, to jump into Life without a safety net.🔥
Tantra invites us to go fully into relationships, as a path to internal freedom where we come together to uplift each other, to help each other be revealed in our innate purity.
Tantra invites us to go into our sexuality, desire, and pleasure as gateways to ecstasy of merging with God…
Tantra invites us to go into our Service, into our Dharma, into serving Truth and creating the Life that we are really meant for.
It invites us into arts, languages and music as a means of remembering and expressing the essential Beauty of Life.
It invites us to live fully, live consciously, live as if every day was the last day of our lives…
And ultimately… Tantra invites us to expand into our true Self, our inherent Divinity.
Tantra says you are Everything. You are Darkness. You are Light. You are Bliss. You are Abundance. You are Divinity.🔥
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