When you look at someone who in your eyes “has made it” it’s so easy to assume they have always been on the roll.
If you think that successful people never have moments of doubt or struggle… you are mistaken.
Here’s the truth:
Every single person you are looking up to has been through so so much.
We all struggle.
We all have to face situations that stretch us. Where our character gets confronted. Where we are not enough for certain people.
And it hurts!
We all have had moments when we wanted to quit, change direction, change everything! I remember playing with the idea of how it would be to go back to the office and work for someone when at least I don’t have to hold that much responsibility and have a regular schedule and predictable life…
But what makes a difference… is that we sit through the discomfort. We sit in the fire.
Instead of acting on it and dramatising we let the fire mould us.
And time and time again… we become stronger.
It is our willingness to stay that makes us achieve great things.
It is our resting on something way bigger than the personal identity that makes it possible to get up and walk, again and again.
It is the ability to surrender the one we’ve taken ourselves to be… over and over…
This is the training in Greatness.
And we were born for this.
Step into the new Paradigm of Leadership in my Training In Service to Love.
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