The energy of money is absolutely neutral. Who you are when you hold it is what makes the difference.
If what other people charge for their services bothers you…
If you are worried about what other people think about your pricing…
If you are not sure how much you should charge for your services…
If seeing other people’s wealth leaves you feeling bad…
If generally the topic of money triggers you…
It means you have some work to do around your relationship with money.
All the feelings we have around money are based on our beliefs.
Our beliefs are based on our past experiences.
Whatever we believe in gets manifested in our reality.
The fact is: the energy of money is absolutely neutral. Money is pure. But it’s our minds that may need to undergo some purification in order to become a match for a resource that has a potential bring joy, freedom, power, beauty and wellbeing to you and everyone around you.
Money by itself won’t do that.
But who you are when you hold money is what makes the difference.
Imagine giving unexpected gifts to people you love, without looking at the price tags.
Imagine giving a 1000 USD tip on an exquisite service.
Imagine never borrowing money, but simply giving it when you are moved to do so.
Imagine not having to worry what others may think of the way you spend money and indulging in whatever you desire….
It can be that simple. It can be that fun.
>> Big news: Now my Program Embodied Wealth is a part of Costa Rica Mystery Immersion that is taking place in April. Because the women who are joining are going to expand into a whole new level of limitless wealth.
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