The woman is born when the “daughter” dies.
Most women have both father and mother wounds, even if they grew up in the most loving families. Our wounds around our fathers are reflected on our relationships with men and with money.
Our wounds around our mothers are reflected on our relationships with our femininity and – therefore – our relationships with women.
Both father and mother wounds will show up in our relationship with authority.
As long as we identify as daughters these wounds live in us and we – therefore – live in the world of projection – transferring our relationships with our partners to others.
We are incapable of seeing Reality the way it is.
On my own journey of releasing the daughter identity I found it shocking that many of my opinions and desires were not even mine – they were those of my parents. Whenever I was scared of what others would think of me – in reality I was scared of my parents’ disapproval… Whenever I found myself pushing or overworking, it was me trying to prove my worth to my parents…
I distanced myself from my family for 5 years because I desperately needed to find who I was without them. And now, I am so grateful and proud my relationship with them and the respect between us.
My clients do not need to take such radical measures but I frequently guide them step by step on their journey of releasing the daughter identity and all the pain that comes with it.
When you look your parents in the eyes and see human adults with their own history and not your parents – it means you’ve taken a massive leap and entered a whole new chapter of your Life.
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