They came together through a pull of incredible passion.
Then karma hit. Their deepest wounds surfaced in the rawest, most painful ways…
She was equipped with a list of standards that she expected him to meet. And when he immediately didn’t… she’d aim straight for his balls – to chop them off, that is.
He… wanted to be the man his father never was… And ended up repeating the very patterns he swore to break, exactly what he wanted to protect his mother from.
It didn’t look good.
They were forced into a profound healing process.
Both had to face a truth they never wanted to admit:
They were far more like their parents than they cared to see.
Both had to realize that they were the ones chosen to break the generational cycles — to stop the patterns from continuing.
For some it took months. For others – years.
The honest truth is that there are no shortcuts.
It takes as long as it takes.
It depends solely on you and to how willing you are to go beyond your commitment to self-abandonment – typically disguised as self-absorption.
If you keep demanding the process to move faster… you reinforce the same very wounds you have to address and heal.
True love can’t happen on default settings.
True love will always force you to show up.
I know couples who made it through with each other.
That won’t always be the case.
And that’s ok.
Because there is only ONE man.
As there is only ONE woman.
If it’s real it will find it’s way.
However… your commitment to transformation requires that you show up every damn day.
Until you no longer seek that someone fills your holes…
Because they are filled with God.
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