I want to ask you for forgiveness.
I am sorry for all the times when I could not see you… I am sorry for all the times when I was too blind to be able to receive your love… I am sorry for all the times when I tried to change you, when I tried to make you convenient, comfortable… I am sorry for all the times I wanted you to be anything but yourself.
I am sorry for all the times when I made you feel less than absolutely beautiful and perfect the way you are… Please forgive me for all the times when I withheld my love, when I held back, when I iced you and distanced myself from you… Please forgive me for all the times when I didn’t have the courage to love you with all my heart and was protecting myself from feeling… When I hold back love in fact I am holding back the love of the Great Goddess… who in fact loves you so totally, at all times. And I want nothing more than to be a channel of Her love.
Simply being yourself makes you worthy of all Her love.
You are absolutely lovable.
You are absolutely beautiful in your freedom, in your wildness. I am so sorry if I ever made you feel anything less than that. I am sorry for all the times when I overwhelmed you with my uncontrollable emotion, when Icould not be with my own storm and projected it all on you… I am sorry for all the times I questioned your integrity, your love and your truth; for all thetimes when I could not trust you… My heart aches for all the ways in which I could not receive you due to my own fears and insecurities, for all the times when I could not be clear and honest with you, for all the times I lied and pretended to be something that I am not in order to seduce and keep you. I am so sorry. Please always stay yourself. And know that you are so deeply loved. And there is nothing that is needed from you in exchange for that love. It is an honour to have met you. It is an honour to love you. I love all of you with all of me. And I always will.
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