You find yourself watching people online and constantly checking and comparing who is better: them or you.
You hear a voice in your head that whispers “they are better”… That brings out bitterness and hopelessness in you.
Another voice comes on top and whispers “but you are so much more _______”. You get a hit of arrogance and it seems to sort things out for a moment.
My love, there is a voice that comes from a far deeper place… but in order to hear it… you have to drop the power struggle.
This voice is your inner Priestess calling you home.
She says:
“Let go, beloved.
Let go of comparing yourself to others.
Let go of proving.
Let go of feeling not enough.
Let go of gripping onto the identity of “I am better” and “I already know”.
Recognise how exhausting it is to hold on.
And let it go.
Take a breath…
Relax into your womb….
Cup your breasts and listen to your heart‘s true song…
You are enough.
There are no more battles to fight.
Because you have already won.
Dare to LIVE your one and precious Life.
Be brave to open to what you truly want.
And remember… you are loved,
Every step along the way.
You are loved.”
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