A relationship becomes sacred when two people choose each other with their full hearts every day and thus use this connection to fulfill the highest purpose of a human being.
In the chamber of an intimate relationship we have the honour to awaken, empower and activate each other.
Here we are invited to serve each other to be fully revealed as the magnificence that each of us truly is.
In that revealed presence… when our Souls come together we create a third and a very powerful entity – the Sacred Union.
Our true essence is Love.
To love means to do what is most natural for our essence… In the chamber of sacred relationships we are offered the opportunity to heal old wounds, blossom into interconnectedness, love and be loved deeply and beyond it all – remember ourselves as Love.
When we become unwaveringly conscious of our own inner dance of the masculine and feminine, of the shadow and light… we are prepared for a Sacred Union with a beloved.
Such Union creates an unstoppable dynamic that impacts not only the couple itself, but generates an energy so powerful and radiant that it impacts the World at large.
The Love that is channeled through a Sacred Union not only fills our hearts, but allows them to shine outwards with the potential of impacting the World in the most beautiful ways. Love making becomes a practice not only of individual and shared pleasure, but a field in which a couple can expand together and become infinitely vast…
Embodiment of the depth of Presence and Surrender is the gateway.
Whether you are currently in a relationship or not these words may deeply resonate with you… and if so, I have something delicious to share with you very soon… watch this space!
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Sundari Love Practices
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