Wealth is space.
Wealth is care.
Wealth is prioritising your wellbeing above all.
It is never abandoning your heart.
It is taking time for what TRULY matters.
Wealth is moving from your highest alignment, always.
Wealth is… taking the time to look deeply into the eyes of your lover and notice all the myriads of their expressions.
It is beginning the day with the most delicious intimacy and orgasmic bliss.
Wealth is being surrounded by people who really get you, because you are not hiding You.
Wealth is truly loving every single part of what you do.
Wealth is holding a vision so big… the gratification of likes on the internet and instant sales pale in comparison.
It is running a business from a sense of peace and nourishment.
Wealth is creating as an act of honouring your Soul, not as a “should”.
Wealth is having the support you truly want, not the one you tell yourself you can afford.
Wealth is taking the time to take in the colours, feel the wind caressing your skin and smell the flowers.
Wealth is tipping 200% on a service because your heart moves you so and not the 10% that is expected.
Wealth is living without compromise…
Wealth is waking up in joyful anticipation of the day ahead.
Wealth is embodying the Queen or King of Fire – the one who holds the whole World in your abundant heart.
Wealth is not about money.
Wealth is about Love.
And money… follows.
It sure does.
Embodied Wealth will revolutionise your Life.
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Sundari Love Practices
5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy