What is Sacred Union?
Sacred Union is a conscious partnership. Both partners in such partnership are entirely commited to Love and to each other.
Sacred Union is a Dharmic relationship. It not only impacts both partners and their future, but also their families, their community and humanity at large.
Sacred Union is not all fairies and butterflies.
It illuminates the unconscious patterns and brings them to the light of consciousness, so that both partners can grow.
Sacred Union has its seasons. There will be seasons full of ecstasy and pleasure and heart-opening experiences, as well as seasons of healing, building and transformation.
It is deeply grounded in earthly safety, clear commitment, co-regulation and intimacy. At the same time the nature of Sacred Union is cosmic. It brings the Divine deeper onto Earth, into the body through the Fire of Love.
Both partners in the Union are committed to doing their inner work and making the unconscious conscious, through Love. They see every challenge as an opportunity to know themselves better and deepen into Love.
No matter what, it is a safe space — even when either or both partners are triggered. No one is made “wrong.”
The moments of ecstasy experienced together feel like union with God.
Many people think that Sacred Union means being in love and light all the time. Being on cloud nine, transcending the pain of being alone and having someone always there for you…
This is not Sacred Union. It is a fantasy, an escape from feeling lonely, rejected, facing past heartbreak and truly remembering your self love and power.
If you enter into a relationship from a place of needing your partner to fulfill you — to make you finally feel seen, wanted and complete — this relationship will either go through initiations until it evolves into Sacred Union, or it will remain karmic.
Even the brightest people can enter into a partnership being pulled by karma, from the place of codependency, wanting their partner to fulfill them, without realising it consciously.
To tune into the energy of Sacred Union… more to come soon. ♡
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