Do you want to know what your woman really wants from you?⠀
She wants to feel your strength.⠀
She wants to feel that you can claim and ravish her.⠀
She wants to feel that if she falls you will be there to catch her. ⠀
She wants to feel you by her side, alert, relaxed and unshakable like a rock.⠀
That’s why she keeps testing you with her emotional winds (or perhaps hurricanes).⠀
She wants to know that even if the whole world shakes when she comes, you will be there, unshaken, firm and clear.⠀
But hear me out: you cannot fake it.⠀
You cannot all of a sudden become this strong unshakable man.⠀
It may surprise you but to really own and hold your true strength you need to do something seemingly counter-intuitive:⠀
You need to uncover your vulnerability. ⠀
What makes you vulnerable?⠀
Your tenderness. Your softness. Your deeply feeling heart. Your sensitised cock. ⠀
When you learn to really feel your cock instead of using him and pressuring yourself into performance… you automatically learn to feel your heart as well.⠀
Feeling your heart and penetrating the world with its love is not for softies. It is for men who choose to reclaim their warrior spirit.⠀
Photo by @katarinabaliova
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