When you OWN your anger you own your power.
If you are anything like me… you learnt early on that anger is NOT a good emotion. It’s potentially destructive. It gets you in trouble.
Nice girls and boys don’t get angry, anyway.
Most of us receive a lot of conditioning around anger… and then we find ourselves walking around with clenched jaws and tight pelvises, disconnected from our true power and pleasure.
What happens when we give ourselves permission to feel anger?
✧ We start to be able to hold bigger energy.
✧ We access power in our bodies.
✧ We become capable of setting clear boundaries.
✧ We get in touch with our sexual organs.
The heat in our pelvis.
Our desire.
Our sex.
If you are like: “I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’ve been full of anger my whole life”.
To be full of anger and to feel anger are two separate things.
Most people don’t know how to hold anger, they only know how to either *repress* anger or *throw it off.*
When we hold anger, feel it, let it build and move in us… we discover the hidden gifts of anger.
And those are many.
My Life changed once and for all when I got in contact with my anger.
The power that I never knew existed within me became available to me.
The passion.
The pleasure.
The rawness.
The Truth
Mastery of our emotions invites us into a truly deep power.
✧ The power that doesn’t need to be explained or proven.
✧ The power that unlocks our essential energy, radiance and magnetism.
✧ The power that makes our dreams come true.
I’d love to invite you into Emotional Mastery Program.
This program is for you if you desire to take ownership of the beauty and power that is hidden in your emotions.
It is the place to be to get to forgive yourself, fundamentally, and it is only in that that you forgive ALL.
It comes with a lifetime access to all material – it will serve you way beyond our time together.
These practices have helped me heal from my own traumatic experiences. (I literally follow along my own recorded practices.)
It’s 888 USD.
And if you want to be a part of ALL my programs – look into Sundari Year. It’s 777USD a month.
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Sundari Love Practices
5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy