There are some things on the planet that are terribly distorted and that lead us into the direction of degradation of the human spirit and potential.
There are people for whom it’s right to address the wrong stuff, there are those for whom it’s right to go to demonstrations, to raise their voice around the things that concern them.
In many cases I celebrate that because I trust that if they are moved to do so – it is a part of their dharma.
We get to trust the way we are moved.
I don’t tend to speak against the things that I don’t like in the world. Because what is visible to the eye are just the fruits, not the roots. The level on which the distortion is created is so big it’s impossible to reach in a 3d way.
I speak FOR the things that I love, that I want to see more of, that are deeply meaningful to me and that I believe impact the evolution of humanity’s consciousness.
The only way I can create a significant change in the world is by staying true to my genius and focusing on increasing my field of impact by expanding my community and my wealth.
That’s how I can create new systems of education, where things of essence are taught; I can build homes for the homeless; I can create spaces where people directly recognise their true nature and become immune to the nonsense; I can clean up the rivers not just by picking up a few plastic bottles but by arranging professionals to have the whole river to be cleaned.
When I focus on my own unique genius I get to make the moves instead of pointing at those who don’t.
Our focus is our greatest asset.
Focusing on the right things – the things we are naturally wired for – is what makes anything possible.
It is when each one of us fully committs to deepening into our own unique dharmic thread… that we recognise that there is truly only One of us.
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