When I received my first yoni de-armouring… I had so.much.pain.
I thought that must be what women experience when they give birth!
At one point, the practitioner told me: “You are having Amrita, that’s amazing!”
(Amrita means divine nectar or female ejaculation)
I was like: “what!?” — I was still in pain.
When I left, I felt high.
I felt that my body didn’t end with my body. I felt expanded. It was a little scary but really beautiful too. I experienced myself beyond what I had known myself to be…
I knew I needed to go deeper into s.xuality.
The next yoni de-armouring I received was nowhere near as painful.
And the following one was pure pleasure.
A kind of pleasure I never thought was possible.
In. my. own. body.
And after having worked with tens of thousands of women from all across the globe… I am here to tell you that this, beloved… is possible for every single woman.
In The Deep Feminine I’m teaching you how. 🌹
Yoni de-armouring 101!
Q: What is tantric Yoni de-armouring?
A: Yoni de-armouring is a sacred s.xual practice in which the “armour” of the Yoni is being released through gentle stimulation and energy work and connection to the Yoni is restored. When you do so your brain literally grows back nerves at hyperspeed!
Q: What is this armour?
A: It is tension and numbness both physical and emotional that is manifested and stored in the tissues of the Yoni. The Yoni creates “armour” as a protection mechanism but this protection in reality “protects” women from their deep pleasure, ecstasy and expansion.
Q: Why do I have “armour” in my Yoni?
A: Because you have disconnected from your Yoni. You haven’t been giving her the love, presence and attention she deserves. When this happens the Yoni falls asleep. Or even – into coma…
Q: Why did I disconnect from her?
A: Because you never learnt how to connect to her. Because you have been trying to live from the chest upward forgetting the Wild Woman that lives in you! Because you likely have been entered prematurely (happens even in the most loving relationships). Because you have sexual trauma (which is a lot more common than you think). Because you have never experienced the real gift of sacred sexuality.
Q: How do I practice Yoni de-armouring?
A: By either practicing on your own with a crystal yoni wand and fingers the way I will be guiding you in The Deep Feminine or hiring a Sacred sexuality practitioner. The big news is that… after many years of not offering it, I am available for it in the context of my VIP day retreats!
Get in touch about my VIP day retreats info@sofiasundari.com
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