You are allowed to take a sacred pause.
Get off that hamster wheel.
What are you trying to prove?
And to whom?
Your worth is undeniable.
You are lovable beyond measure.
Your Highest Timeline can´t be taken from you.
Posting three times a day, launching and selling are cool, but in what frequency?..
If it comes at expense of you being connected to your heart… you are allowed to say no to it.
You don´t owe anyone an apology or and explanation.
Unplug when you need.
The world will still be here once you emerge from the deep dark soil of the void…
Follow the calling to submerge…
Reduce the volume of the noise.
And listen…
Listen… you came here for something so much bigger.
It will not be found in hastiness and push.
It will only be found in surrender… surrender not as passivity… but surrender as the most courageous action you can ever take.
In surrender you follow the pathway of the Heart… you go where God leads you… collect lost pieces of your Soul… and one day you emerge to realise… you didn´t even know it was humanly possible to shine so bright.
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Sundari Love Practices
5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy