Money gets to be a resource of Wealth.
A resource that empowers Grace everywhere. That amplifies kindness, beauty and wellbeing in you and everyone around you.
Money by itself won’t do that.
But when you choose to embody and move from the place of Divine Union and hold money from ever higher levels of consciousness – that’s what makes the difference.
Imagine normalizing this:
Never looking at price tags because you trust your heart so deeply – you are always saying YES to what it wants…
Knowing that every dollar you spend from the place of Love creates blessings everywhere and is instantly coming back to you multiplied tenfold.
Spontaneously tipping not the expected 10%, but 500% on an exquisite service.
Giving unexpected gifts to people you love, without checking the price.
Not borrowing money, but simply giving it when you are moved to do so.
Never being concerned about what others may think of the way you spend money, because you know and never doubt your heart.
Never having to work to make money, but creating from a place of overflow.
Not complaining about things not being done by “them” (I.e. the government) but being the one who makes the moves on what you care about.
Having the support you truly want, not the one you tell yourself you can afford.
⚜️The way you use money is a natural byproduct of who you are. It gets to be that true to who you are.
The more you give yourself into the Divine Union…
The more limitless you become.
The more connected you are to the deepest truth of the Heart.
The less you operate in the predictable realm.
The more miracles you witness.
The easier Wealth flows through you.
Sundari Temple is on fire because Embodied Wealth began this Friday!
This Program is a game-changer and being inside of Sundari Temple ensures that the transformation is permanent.
Find details about Sundari Temple and the Embodied Wealth Program here.
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