So this happened!
Finally I have emerged out of our gorgeous Temple cocoon and the first two Sundari Mystery Immersions of 2021.
These were two Trainings that took place back to back: Liberation into Orgasm and the Practitioners’ Training.
So much Grace was there, so much Beauty, healing and transformation took place.
As always the Work we’ve done not only impacts people who were physically there… it also impacts their families and all of us collectively. Big shifts are happening on this planet and each of us plays a role in it. If you wanted to be there but didn’t manage – tune in with my stories – and receive the vibes!
… Angels were pouring their love down on us and we – finally – could fully receive it. I am amazed at the courageous Love Warriors and Warrioresses that joined these Trainings. Those who dare to sit in the fire, those who dare to listen to the song of their heart, those who choose Truth above everything… you are my soul family! I am so happy for our sacred reunion.
The next in-person Training that I’m facilitating is taking place in July in Spain. It’s called Sacred Man/Sacred Woman.
It’s actually 2 trainings in 1!
The Sacred Man Will be held by the powerhouse team @olivervillwock and @dominik_graef
And the Sacred Woman by me with support of my beautiful interns @your.sacred.medicine and @ava.ahava
Plus, almost daily the two Trainings will collide and the Men and Women will unite for practices and rituals to let the + and the – merge in One. That’s when the profound Mystery will get revealed. And this empowered polarity is what I wish all men and women cultivated and embodied.
Because once both genders find their natural happy power place, cultivate their sacred sovereignty and meet from there… there will no longer be reasons for power struggles, judgements, arguments and – ultimately – wars.
For more info click here.
Beautifully captured by @alexforstermusic
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