To be orgasmic you need to let go,
There is just no other way.
You need to let go, my friend.
You need to let go not only in bed,
You need to let go in all areas of your life
You’ve been resisting because you’ve been afraid of pain that comes with breaking.
Let go of that baggage you’ve been carrying, not only for yourself, but also for your parents and other people around you…
Let go of tightness in your jaw, shoulders, lower back and pelvic floor…
Let go of pushing yourself where you don’t want to go…
Let go of trying to be in control of Life…
Let go of trying to be good, be proper, not show emotions,
Plunge off the cliff, don’t step back
Let go and you will know that you will be open, raw, vulnerable, soft…
and absolutely powerful
Let go continually, yet stay open to energy of Life to move within you…
This is the key to Orgasm.
It is not easy.
But so simple.
Just let go, my friend.
Your time to Live has come.
Let’s encourage the culture of letting go of control and trusting more.
Art by @ehscapist
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