I am a devotee of Shiva as much as I am the devotee of Shakti.
I worship the divine masculine.
Shiva is the name of the divine masculine.
There have been a few incredibly special men in my life who have played a massive role in my transformation and awakening.
Shiva’s heart, his power and his vulnerability have touched the very core of me on numerous occasions.
Shiva made me face my deepest wounds and cry like mad.
Shiva touched the depth of my heart and yoni.
Shiva has been fully there in the moments when I have forgotten my own name in the bliss of orgasm…
I remain forever grateful…
The Feminine in each of us wants to be seen.
It wants to be heard. To be met.
It longs for it.
And this can only happen when there is presence.
The complete, undivided presence is the essence of Shiva, and it is the quality that fascinates me most in men, that turns me on like nothing else…
That’s what touches me deeply. That’s what makes me feel seen and so so loved.
Here is my call to all men:
Beloved Shiva,
My desire for you is endless.
My desire for you is beyond what I can describe.
I want to receive you completely.
I want to honor and worship you until I exist.
I’m on my knees before you forever.
Sometimes I will show up very sweet and beautiful,
Other times – glorious and wise,
Or – passionate and blissful,
Or – intense, too much, too emotional, too loud, too expressive,
Or – so humble and quiet like a lake…
And I beg you,
Please beloved
Don’t try to handle me,
Don’t try to fix me,
Don’t tell me what to do,
Don’t give me direction,
Don’t try to fulfil or satisfy me,
Don’t try to impress me,
Don’t try to understand me…
I want only one thing from you:
Your complete and undivided presence.
For that you only need to be there, without agenda.
This is the greatest gift you can ever give me.
In that space I can BE.
Be fully. Be my bliss. Be my rawness. Be all that I am.
Be fully seen.
Feel fully loved.
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